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Download template (if an error occures just click on it and save in word under diffrent name in your personal folder)
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As soon as we get your order, we will estimate costs and send you price for your order along with instructions how to pay, submit your materials and get them back .
Thank you for using Online Translation Web Service !
We offer the lowest prices you have ever seen. Let's have a look at our great rates and discounts !
We offer professional translations of technical documentation, texts on financial topics, medical, biological, juridical and fiction literature.
We offer translation between the following languages:
English Arabic Hungarian Greek Hebrew Indonesian Spanish
Italian Russian Chinese German Portuguese Polish Serbo-Croat
Finnish Swedish French Czech
Our prices vary from $19 to $25 per 1800 symbols depending on the language and text content.
We have a flexible system of discounts depending on the amount of pages ordered so far by a client. Please, contact customer service to find out more about our great prices.